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What to Expect









Clear timeline and expectations

At your first phone call, you will receive a clear timeline and gain an understanding of what to expect throughout this process.  We recognize this is new and want to empower you with all the information you need. 


During our initial CONNECTION, we will schedule a free 10 minute conversation with one of our therapists.  They'll ask about your concerns and provide you some thoughts on how to move forward.  

Following that introductory phone call,  we will contact you to schedule your child's in-home EVALUATION. A Speech and Occupational evaluation session will take 60 minutes each. After that session your therapists will create a report that will clarify the services that are recommended, the frequency will depend on your child's unique needs.  The report can be expected 2 weeks after the initial evaluation. 


Connection Therapy Clinic will partner with you to find the best time in your SCHEDULE that matches with the therapists availability.


We want to SUPPORT the entire family.  We are here to guide you and listen to your needs.  Additional services beyond therapy sessions are available.


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